
Trash_Audio & Xart: Synth Meet 7

This is the official Spring Synth Meet in Chicago presented by Trash_Audio and Xart. We've hosted 6 of these events before and they keep getting more attention so much so that we had to start turning people away last time.
We're having The Harvestman from Washington, Make Noise from North Carolina, STG from Illinois, and other guests that will be announced. There will also be new products making their debut from a few manufacturers including some from the aforementioned.
We'll have to put a limit on the amount of people this time around because while these events are a great place to network, Xart's studio is getting too packed! Also, if you're a modular/pedal/synth manufacturer, I highly suggest you get in touch to have your gear laid out so people can experience it. If you're interested in coming please e-mail: ss@thedeepelement.com

Here are some videos of the past events:

Also, here is an advanced notice for another night we're hosting in June:

Chicago Modular Musickal Extemporization Klinic June 19 2010

The XART Studio + Media Research Center will be hosting more fun for
2010. Charles Cohen + hair_loss (Color Is Luxury) will be in Chicago
to do a modular synthesizer/ electronics based improv workshop/clinic!
- a talk and demo of the architecture of the Buchla Easel - a
Performance + discussing and working up patches suitable for free
improv + small group jams / improv games- try ideas out, collaborate
(and listen!) + plenty of time for give and take all along the way!

Seating/Spots will be limited. This is a RSVP workshop with a modest donation.

If you are interested get on our list: email: kultbox@gmail.com please
put Chicago Modular Musickal Extemporization Klinic in the subject! We
will forward information.

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