We worked on this project in so many locations (including bumming around at Noisesource's residence) and on such an insane time schedule that I'm surprised that it a) was released on time and b) we are alive.
I'm particularly interested to see the feedback we get from this website as youtube comments are the lowest denominator in logic and coherence. That's right! I'm calling Trash_Audio readers smart. I'm also going to assume that many readers of this blog don't particularly know too much about the MMA scene (like me) and would love to hear what you people have to say about it. Comments and questions are welcome!
If you want to see the original .mov file send an e-mail and I'll give you a link.
nicely done. well shot and edited.
i don't care about mma at all, but i always love a good documentary no matter what the subject. that was an enjoyable watch and i'll definitely watch the future episodes if you post them.
also really nice tunes, are they posted on their own anywhere?
you all did a pretty good job there! kudos and stuff!
I feel the same way about documentaries - I'll watch them all if its nicely made.
The music isn't available anywhere yet. I'm going to ride this series out and if there is no licensing or anything legal, I'll just give them away here.
That was really good surachai. I never been a fan of mma on the basis that most bouts end to quickly and the commentary is only about what you can see for yourself.
On the other hand this fight looks promising.
The music did everything it should have to hold the video together and it sounded awesome.
Sounds super nice...good job.
That was really impressive Surachai.
Great work on the music, I'm even hopin' that you'll be able to bless us with the music... :D
I probably would randomly watch the fight come the 24th, but with clips like that building up the hype I doubt it'll be so random by the time we get to fight night.
Keep up good work...
Thanks for the positive feedback. People seem to be complaining about how short it is - Whatever I'm Asian, I'm used to that.
This is really great work! I actually came to your music via this MMA video and would love to find out where I can get a hold of some of your music.
At first glance it seems like a rather strange combination - MMA and IDM (or whatever you want to call this) - but it really comes together in interesting ways here.
How might one locate some of this?
There is a section to the right with inks to our bio. In the downloads section of my bio there are a bunch of freebies.
Wow. That was great! How did you guys get this gig?
I think Fedor is going to win though ;)
whats the name of the music from the beginning of the video
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