About 8 years
What is your current favorite piece of hardware?
My Korg MS-20. This synth is my signature sound. The first analog synth I ever bought.
What is your favorite piece of software?
I would have to say Ableton Live because I use it everyday for shows, producing, sampling, sequencing... but I love Sound Forge & Vegas too.
How does your physical space and surrounding influence your workflow?
I used to work at home but I feel more productive now that I have a studio. It's like going to the office for me. the downside is that it's in a basement and there are no windows so it gets a little creepy down there.

Yamaha psr-510
What is on your current wish list?
The Macbeth M5 Synthesizer
Yamaha CS-50
and all the Plan B modules
Do you have a mobile studio setup?
When I'm on the road I always have my Korg MS-20, my MFB Synth2 and my Powerbook.
Do you have a setup for live performances?
MS-20, MFB Synth2, Powerbook, Mackie mixer, delay pedal, Midi controller.
sometimes a Roland TR-606 or Jomox X-base09
Have you ever heard your music being played in apublic place?
I was at a random bar in Texas an once and the dj played my hit "raptight" but I think he saw me and threw it on to be funny.

Too many to count. I started with a keyboard & a four track and I just kept buying & selling gear. my studio is always changing, I rarely find a piece of gear that I feel I should keep for life.
You can find Eliot Lipp on Hefty Records, Eastern Developments, Metatronix, Money Studies
oh shit, Lipp is dipping to the modulars!
That chair looks hurty.
Actually that is a modular chair made from precious metals harvested from the Black Forest in Bavaria and is called the Sitzen Meister. There are only 66 million of them on the planet. Rare!
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