When your questions are longer than the answers you receive, you're probably doing something wrong. I generally try to patch up answers, with the approval from the artists but I was pretty lost with the responses Faith gave me so I decided to just leave it. Everlovely Lightningheart actually might hate us, but were nice enough to send a picture and answers. It doesn't matter because we love them anyway.
Faith Coloccia of Everlovely Lightningheart
How long have you been involved with making music?
12 years
What is the name you work under and where can we find your work?
Everlovely Lightningheart- Hydra Head Records, Weather Machine Records, HydraHead.com
Mamiffer- Dead Accents Records, Hydra Head Records
VUM- not released yet
What is your current favorite piece of hardware?
Piano hand made in Germany, and Brain. Piano- endless composition experimentation field. Brain-"
What is your current favorite software or plugin?
The mind. Cannot misplace
How does your physical space and surroundings influence your workflow?
Chris has sex on the left side, and Faith is currently homeless, for 2 more days
Are you involved in any other sound work?
The Calm At The Edge of The Sea, and another film. Coming up
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