1000-1130 eezir live pa
1130-1200 tleilaxu music machine live pa
1200-1230 eustachian live pa
1230-0100 surachai live pa
0100-0140 derek michael live pa
0140-0240 jimmy edgar live pa
0240-0340 richard devine live pa
0340-close baseck vs general malice vs slyten
I will be heading to L.A. area for the second half of October. Droid Behavior is making the mistake of having a metal act open up their night but it seems like I'll be among my kind with Eustachian and Richard Devine. The show, for certain, will be massive! More so than the NAMM show earlier this year. As usual, I'll be bringing one my Doepfer suitcases full of goodies and an assortment of pedals. Come out and say 'HAIL AND HORNS!' Get your tickets: Here!
More information: Here!